Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Christmas 2010...

We started out with our Christmas tradition of buying a REAL Christmas! Scottie and I both grew up having real Chrsitmas tree's so we just can't do the fake thing yet! So we had the tree up for a few days until I actually got around to decorating it, so Ty thought he would help me a get started on the decorations he thought would look best...
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Sef said...

Hmm Christmas post in May. Color me slightly confused :-D

Unknown said...

Holy smokes! Your blog is alive!! I know G. Hendershot will be happy! Fun pics!

lisa said...

so cute! My ornaments always get rearaged or hiden. We moved furniture the other day and found some. Ty is so big!

thanida said...

Great Blog!! Really enjoyed reading the blog.hope that come true.