Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cute and Crafty...

Rachel made one of these for me for Easter! Her's was much cutter!!! So, with her permission I copied her and made these for my visiting teachers on Sunday! I thought it would be fun to share because I always need new ideas!

Ty's Very First Easter

So we are keeping the tradition of hiding the easter baskets!! It's the best tradition for Easter...I don't know who came up with it, or why we do it, but it's FUN! Anyway so I tried making it kind of easy for Ty...One of his very favorite this to do is to get you to walk him over the the front door and open it, and close it, and open it, and close it...:)

...and this is what he found!!

Daddy wasn't awake yet:)

I think I was more excited for Ty's new sippy cup than he was:) It has a straw so we are working on learning how to suck through a straw! No luck yet:)

I just love the look on Ty's face when I blew the bubbles at him! He loved it. When we got home from church we went outside on the porch and blew bubbles forever!

...and the best part of the whole basket...



Holy Cow that's a big ORANGE! Ty was so enthralled by my orange the other day that we couldn't help but take these funny pictures! He didn't like it at first, but loves them now! Oh and he has an obsession with the milk jug lids...random, I know!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


This is right before we started running. It was 36 degrees, windy and snowy all through the race...buurrrr!

Don't we make it look easy:)

Marci crossing the finish line

WE DID IT!!!!! 13.1 MILES!!!


Ok, so I don't think I've played Twister high, and I am so not flexible, but hey, it's all good! We decided to bust it out when we had Chaden, Marci and the kids over a few sunday's ago:)

Elle even played!!

Chaden obviously didn't win that round!!


Shoot, we forgot to take the before picture! Oh well, we got a good during and after picture!

Doesn't she look beautiful!! It only took 4 hours to do the whole thing...Ahhh! Just kidding Marci and I had lots of fun hangin out all night, huh Marc:)

My New Running Stroller!!!

I thought I would show all angles!!

So I found it on KSL for $75. I've been looking for one ever since I started training for my marathon! It has this cool seat that hooks on making it a double stroller! Cool huh! Otherwise you can just unlatch it and it's a single stroller...can you believe I pushed Ty in it on a 10 mile run! That was fun! Ty actually enjoyed it believe it or not. We both love being outside!! crawling

Ty finally started army crawling a few weeks ago, right before he turned 11 it's been crazy! He finally crawled for my newly filled candy jar!! I think he liked all the bright easter colors!

Brynn was helping by showing him how she crawls and cheering him on at the candy jar:)


Makayla, Kayla Girl....

My little Ty-Ty and Brynny Brynns...sorry I talk baby talk A LOT:) I watched brynn a few weeks ago and just took some pictures of them playing together! We really hope they get to live close all growing up and hopefully they'll stay close friends too:)