Kathy had a beautiful table set up and a yummy dinner!

Haha, nice try! I think sometimes Ty wishes he could have bites that big:)

Ty loves to drink from a big boy cup...

Chillin with his awesome Uncle Chaden!

Aunt Angell came to visit from Vegas for Thanksgiving. This was the first time Ty met Angell:)

You guys are so much fun, thanks for coming to the pre thanksgiving party. I have looked at all the pictures and Ty just gets cuter. I can see by the look on Scott's face how much he is loving being a father.
You are such a great example to the rest of us.
Aunt Kathleen
Ty is soo cute! How can you stand it!!! :) Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. Have fun with your family for Christmas! Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you what your secret is to caramel apples. How do you get the nuts and candy and stuff to stay on??? Anyway, ingquiring minds want to know :)
Oh my gosh, I just found your blog on Darren and Tisha's and your little boy IS the cutest I think I have ever seen. Crystal he is adorable. I miss you guys so much... if you are ever in ATL us know. Love Ya'll!
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