Sunday, June 28, 2009

Grandma comes to VISIT!!!!!!!

Mom came to visit for the weekend for Ty's FIRST birtday! We picked her up from the airport and went straight to Gardner VIllage for lunch.

For some weird reason my baby likes to suck on lemons...YUCK!

This of course would be his first choice of mother, like son!


Tanner and Andrea said...

keep it coming crystal... grammy and i were just checking to see if you put pictures of tys first bday on... we want to see MORE! lol. love us

Luana said...

Wow! That was some birthday. I love your apron and it is always fun to see pics of your mom.

Jacob said...

i love ty!! he is so adorable...but crystal, gotta get some updates girl...ty is 1 1/2 now:) jk love ya girlie

Marshall, Nany, Eli and Lydia said...

Hey I saw you guy's photo shoot on Ju's blog, that turned out so good!!! Was Ty cold?

- Nani -